

Exercise Therapy

Exercise prescription involves educating the patient on the use of specific motions in the body or its parts in order to relieve symptoms and improve function. Specific stretching, strengthening, and stabilization exercises are a critical part of the rehabilitation process for most musculoskeletal injuries. Continued exercise is an important component of injury prevention and improvement of overall physical, psychological, and mental health.


Targeting specific points along meridian pathways defined by the ancient Chinese, this modality of treatment uses needles, lasers, or TENS to stimulated areas, which influence pain and tissue healing in the body. For more information visit the Acupuncture Foundation Institute of Canada at

Other Consultative Services Available

We also consult with other disciplines including Physicians, Occupational Therapists, and Kinesiologists and can provide a variety of services such as: ergonomic consultation (job site analysis, functional capacity evaluation, physical demands analysis, pre-employment screening), physiological testing, biomechanical analysis, injury reconstruction, health promotion, and lifestyle management and coaching services.