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Your Physiotherapist will complete an initial assessment with you and this will involve you filling in some questionnaires related to your injury, answering a variety of questions related to your primary complaint and general health, and the physical examination of your mobility, strength, and function of the muscles, joints, and nerves. At the completion of the first visit, we will discuss the findings of the assessment and possible future treatments that may be beneficial, if appropriate.
A doctor’s referral is not necessary to see a Physiotherapist in Ontario. We do advise clients to contact their doctor in order to keep him/her apprised of their health concerns. In some cases, a medical insurance company may require that the client provide a referral from their doctor to authorize reimbursement of our fee.
The length of your appointment will vary depending on your situation. Generally, initial appointments take about 45-60 minutes and subsequent visits range from 30-45 minutes.
For back and lower limb injuries, we recommend wearing shorts. For upper limb treatment, a tank top is useful for our female patients.
Your Physiotherapist will formulate an individual treatment plan after conducting a thorough initial assessment. This will be discussed with you in the first visit. Each case is unique, and the number of treatments required varies.